Monday, August 26, 2013

Biggest Wrestling Pet Peeve: When The Whole Roster Sits Atop The Entrance Ramp

This has got to be my biggest pet peeve in wrestling right now. I understand we're a long way from Hacksaw and Sheik getting caught in the car together, but it still bothers me to see the entire roster just standing on the top of the entrance ramp, watching something happen in the ring.

It just looks dumb - these intimidating athletes, these larger than life characters, all forced to stand on the ramp and stare at the ring - sometimes for 15-20 minutes? Poor Ryback - the guy who can't talk to a catering guy without humiliating him, is forced to stand next to The Miz, and he just looks bored out of his mind. He looks so defeated. Who can possibly maintain a hard look for that long?

It's just awkward to have these huge personalities, silent up there for an extended time. If it's used to pay respect for a recently deceased wrestler, I completely understand, but at that moment its understood that the wrestlers have broken character. For any sort of in character segment, all of the wrestlers should never be on stage together like they have been the past few weeks on Raw.

I mean - you have guys in heated feuds like Rhodes/Sandow, guys who just fought earlier like RVD and Del Rio, and they're all just kind of standing there.

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